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Fairyland Story Mod APK 1.005 - Baixar Fairyland Story Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

Fairyland Story Mod APK 1.005

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Warm Heart Studio is created by Main and Jean in 2015. Life is full of inspiration. We like to collect ideas from all kinds of things in everyday life. We make fun and lovely game with our warm heart. We try to create games that speak both to us and to others about the fun and beauty that exists or beyond the world.

We hope to bring you relaxation and inspiration of life. Fairyland Story is the newest adventure from Warm Heart Studio.

Dorothy was kept away from the outside world because of sickness. She felt being ignored and sad. Only the fairy heard Dorothy's voice and made her dream come true. She can finally fly to her dreamland.

Follow the adventure of Dorothy into the fairyland. Immense in the fantasy of geometric kaleidoscope.

Drag to control the girl. Collect stars to fly or you'll lose lacking of power. Avoid the obstacles, collect sorts of items. The deeper you go the more mysterious it will be.

• 3D combined with motion graphic style, an innovative and intriguing visual experience.

• Easy to pick up, take your time to master it!

• Collect constant stars to maximize speed.

• Unlock sorts of items to maximize points and power you up.

• 3D Touch support – Press harder to use items. (3D Touch compatible device required)

• Dynamic lighting and abundance of hand-crafted world to explore.

• Captivating soundtrack and ambient sound for an immersive experience. (headphones recommended)

• Unlock different characters lived in the fairyland.


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Fairyland Story Mod APK 1.005 - Baixar Fairyland Story Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

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