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Você está aqui:inícioJojosQuebra-cabeça → Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod APK 1.1.6 - Baixar Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod para android com [Compra grátis][Cheia]
Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod APK 1.1.6 - Baixar Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod para android com [Compra grátis][Cheia]


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Com o poder dos elementos sobre seus dedos ajuda a Hilomi a fotografar os engraçados animais que habitam nesse mundo engraçado!

Mova a terra, crie pontes, escave tuneis, comande o fogo e a água, e muito mais para ajudar a Hilomi a viajar entre este 5 mundos únicos. Conheça Ratter, Weascale, Sasqwig e dezenas de outras animais enquanto Hilomi completa a sua coleção de fotografia animal!


"FLUFFY, CUTE, AND COLORFUL Hilomi is a casual puzzle-platformer that resonates of playful charm and an arsenal of childish cuteness" (148apps.com)

"Hilomi is clever in a sweet, good-natured way. It never rubs its brain smarts in your face, but its puzzles are sharp enough to offer a decent challenge" (pocketgamer.co.uk)


Hilomi is available for Android phones and tablets!

The game is easy to understand and to master, but don't rely on that too much..! The real nub starts after the explanations of the terrain transformation basics ;)

The game currently includes 100 original brain-teasing levels across 5 worlds. The first 3 worlds (60 levels) are available for free. Each level won unlocks the next one, and fully complete levels by filling the photo album with new animals unlocks the next world. It's also possible to unlock these worlds with real money, even without the required amount of photos. If you don't want to use this feature, you can turn it off by disabling in-app purchases in your device's settings.


We would like to thank the CNC and Adobe for their support through the development of the game, and a big and warm THANK YOU goes out to all Hilomi players!

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Hilomi is an indie puzzle game, based on a platform environment. The game has been developed with Adobe AIR and Starling by studio Yamago (Paris, France).

Hilomi started out with a prototype developed by two students supported by Yamago for the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2011 contest, where the game won a total of 3 awards:
- "Silver Medal France - Mobile Game Design category" at Imagine Cup 2011 (Paris)
- "Silver Medal World - Mobile Game Design category" at Imagine Cup 2011 (New York)
- "Jeuxvideo.fr Reader's Choice" at Imagine Cup 2011

More recently, Hilomi's preview has also been acclaimed by the critics:
- "Indie Prize Showcase Selection" at Casual Connect Europe 2014
- "Indie Prize Top-5 Game critic's choice" at Casual Connect Europe 2014


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Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod APK 1.1.6 - Baixar Hilomi - Cute photo quest Mod para android com [Compra grátis][Cheia]

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