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Bistro Cook 2 Mod APK 1.5.9 - Baixar Bistro Cook 2 Mod para android com [Remover propagandas]

Bistro Cook 2 Mod APK 1.5.9

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Bistro Cook is back!
The highly appreciated Android game (5+ million downloads for Bistro Cook 1) has a successor.

Game can be played in: English, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Romanian languages. The language used is read from your current phone settings. For any suggestions or corrections regarding the translation, please use the email quasar.gamestudios[at]gmail.com

Meet Bistro Cook 2:
- more foods than ever
- player ranks
- high quality graphics, very detailed even for HD screens
- realistic frying, with animation and sound
- 2 modes for cooking: foods cand fry or boil
- new category: drinks
- even more food combinations and variety
- 3 levels of difficulty with increasing speed
- post your score on Facebook
- global high scores with Scoreloop
- supports all screen sizes, phones and tablets
- background music

How to play:
1. tap the food from the pantry
2. tap the frying pan
3. after the food is fried, tap the plate

For new comers and even for veteran players of Bistro Cook 1, playing the 'How to play' tutorial is recommended.

You'll be amazed by the quality of the game and cooking has never been such fun!

The new Bistro Cook 2 game is not replacing Bistro Cook 1, but sits along it and completes the cooking experience offering you great new features.

Have fun and thank you all for supporting the game!


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Bistro Cook 2 Mod APK 1.5.9 - Baixar Bistro Cook 2 Mod para android com [Remover propagandas]

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