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Você está aqui:inícioJojosArcade → Stairway Mod APK 2.4.4 - Baixar Stairway Mod para android com unlimited money
Stairway Mod APK 2.4.4 - Baixar Stairway Mod para android com unlimited money

Stairway Mod APK 2.4.4

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Guide a ball down a narrow staircase, navigating all kinds of crazy twists and turns and the odd spike along the way!

You'll need to tap with perfect timing to achieve a high score in this quick-paced, addictive game from the development company that brought you 360 Degree and Circlify. Fail and your ball either explodes or flies of the side of the stairway...

The simple, original gameplay and shiny, relaxing graphics combine to give you a gaming experience that will draw you in within minutes of playing.

Only the best will be able to keep the ball on track as it picks up speed and the stairway becomes more and more unpredictable, throwing just about everything at you to cause a mistake.

Stairway is everything you're looking for in an app that can keep you amused for however long you need to kill time. Get the ball rolling and download for free now!


Original new concept
Easy to learn with simple controls
Addictive and challenging
See yourself improve within just a few plays!

• This app may require read and write permissions to your storage for score share feature


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