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Commute: Heavy Traffic Mod APK 2.02.8 - Baixar Commute: Heavy Traffic Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

Commute: Heavy Traffic Mod APK 2.02.8

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Welcome to the near future, the city where all the cars are controlled by computers. It would seem that now there should be no traffic jams and accidents ... But this is not the case. Traffic jams are not eradicated by the rules of driving. With the only car that does not have autopilot, can you still reach your destination?

ATTENTION: Automatic cars can crash into you from behind if you don't move like other cars in a traffic jam. Stay close to the car in front of you and everything will be fine!

- MANAGE A VARIETY OF CARS. In each car its own unique characteristics(BRAKES, ACCELERATION, MAXIMUM SPEED), which change the gameplay and the thrill of driving. Choose your suitable to your style!
- CITIES. Various city with a special atmosphere. Generated randomly and endless. Each new game in the different scenery.
- VARIOUS MISSIONS. Get to all the attractions of the city.
- EASY CONTROLS. Driving a car has never been so easy! A simple tap on the screen is all that is required of you.
- The rhythm of movement of cars, close to the real traffic jams!
- Various ACHIEVEMENTS and LEADER BOARDS. Get all of them! Become the best in the world!


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Commute: Heavy Traffic Mod APK 2.02.8 - Baixar Commute: Heavy Traffic Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

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