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Koppel Stepan Mod APK 1.1 - Baixar Koppel Stepan Mod para android com unlimited money

Koppel Stepan Mod APK 1.1

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You are - crab, you have earned your treasure, and you settled down on a cozy island with your wealth but nasty pirates decided to take everything from you! Fight them, and defend what belongs to you! Crash the pirates with your claws, smash their ships by the waves and shoot precisely at the target! But pirates never rest, after the small ships they send large ones that cannot be broken by the wave and which leave mines, beware of them! Pirates are not the main problem, be careful, global warming is close, ice floes at the poles and swim towards you to freeze your claws! Do everything in your power to protect your treasure and become the first among friends on points!

The game will not let you get bored, it is designed so that you fully engage all parts of your brain, increase your attention, play and grow!

What you will do in the game:

— Open new crabs.
— Catch useful gifts that bring more gold, pirate keys and superpowers.
— Use superpowers to bring down pirate ships;
— Call up a barrier reef that knocks down everything that comes by your island,
— Cause a thunderstorm that destroys everything in its path with lightning.
— Develop your brain by knocking down enemies from different sides.
— Earn points to become the best.


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