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Zombie Trigger Mod APK 1.1.1 - Baixar Zombie Trigger Mod para android com unlimited money

Zombie Trigger Mod APK 1.1.1

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Zombie Trigger is an action-packed FPS bringing you a completely new zombie-shooting experience. Mankind is on the verge of extinction and you are the only one who can stop it. Will you fight?

In 2025, mysterious reports of Zombie attacks on Humans surge in all parts of the World. Within weeks, the whole world is overrun by Zombies, bringing the Human Race to the verge of extinction. You are a Zombie Hunter putting himself between the remaining Humans and the face of Evil. Can you stop the advancing hordes and prevent chaos from taking over the planet?

Check out Zombie Trigger for:
1.Fast-paced intuitive shooting experience paired with tactical decisions.
2.Immersive 3D experience and an exciting apocalyptic plot.
3.More than 30 different kinds of Zombies with unique attacks and strategies.
4.Huge choice of weapons with complex upgrade mechanism
5.Brand new online matching system for Co-op and Versus.
6.Several battle modes to keep you busy: Daily Challenges, Campaign, Multiplayer and more!
7.Weapon and Equipment Upgrades and even Mercenaries to help you win your war.


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Zombie Trigger Mod APK 1.1.1 - Baixar Zombie Trigger Mod para android com unlimited money

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