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Writeometer Mod APK 1.9.1 - Baixar Writeometer Mod para android com [Remover propagandas][Compra grátis][Sem anúncios]

Writeometer Mod APK 1.9.1

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"Write a thousand words a day, and in three years you"ll become a writer!" – Ray Bradbury

Writing a novel or blog? Finishing a dissertation? Taking on the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) challenge? Whatever it is that you"re working on, Writeometer gently reminds you to keep going. Let no story languish unfinished, and let no writing project gather dust! It"s the perfect pocket companion to help you stay on track to finishing and maintain a daily writing habit. Now go forth, create something every day.



• Daily writing reminders to help you become a better writer
• A twenty-five minute timer to ward off procrastination
• A writing log, so that you can watch your progress creep ever upwards
• Treats, thesaurus, word clouds, and inspirational quotes to dispel writer"s block

Writeometer is simple. Launch it, set a daily goal and a total goal for your project, and set your project"s alarm for when you would like to be reminded to write. It"s meant not to be a word processor, but to be a companion to your favorite word processor.

By devoting a small chunk of your day for upkeep of your writing habit, you"ll be teeming in words and guavas by the end of the year. Good luck, go for it!


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Writeometer Mod APK 1.9.1 - Baixar Writeometer Mod para android com [Remover propagandas][Compra grátis][Sem anúncios]

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