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Genealogical Tree of Family Mod APK 3.0.2 - Baixar Genealogical Tree of Family Mod para android com [Pago gratuitamente]

Genealogical Tree of Family Mod APK 3.0.2

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An invaluable asset for your family is knowing your roots. Whoever your ancestors were - nobles or peasants, merchants, philistines or soldiers. A valuable gift for a person with family values ​​- how did your family name come about, what are its historical and cultural roots.
Not every person knows the name of his great-grandmother or great-grandfather. And the whole point is that his ancestors did not have the ability or desire to draw up a family tree. You and I will be smarter and provide descendants with all the information they need.
And help in this application "Genealogical family tree". You can arrange the information stored in your family archive or in the memory of your relatives in the form of a family tree, a family album to your taste.
The application will remind you in advance about the upcoming birthday of your family member or relative.
The application is designed to save history and build a family tree. With its help, you will create a detailed list of family members, add their biographies, photos and video materials. The program is simple and easy to learn, has a clear and beautiful interface.
Family tree of family is a powerful and complex genealogy program. Designed to make it easier for you to collect, display and organize information about your family history. The program allows you to exchange with relatives through the data archiving function. Family tree system is your tool to save every bit of information about your family's history. The intuitive user interface allows users with no genealogical experience to start the software immediately. Read the user manual and it will become clear to you how to work with the program.


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Genealogical Tree of Family Mod APK 3.0.2 - Baixar Genealogical Tree of Family Mod para android com [Pago gratuitamente]

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