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Barometer & Altimeter Mod APK 19.0 - Baixar Barometer & Altimeter Mod para android com [Desbloqueada]

Barometer & Altimeter Mod APK 19.0

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Barometer & Altimeter.-- PLEASE THIS APP IS ONLY UPLOADED ON GOOGLE PLAY. NEVER DOWNLOAD FROM ANY OTHER SITE.-- IF YOU FIND THIS APP ON OTHER SITE IS NOT MY ORIGINAL WORK.THANKS.-- ABOUT --This is a free app with little advertise on the bottom of the screen.If you don't like the advertisement, Pro version doesn't have ads and doesn't check ad blocker.I have to thank those who have helped me in translations and made ​​suggestions on new features and / or bug reports.- Thanks to Cristiano D. for Spanish translation.- Thanks to Jiří Sedláček for Czech translation and fine report on some improvements .- Thanks to T. Dygacz for Polish translation.- Thanks to Tamás Peczöli for Hungarien translation- Thanks to rootik for Ukrainian translation.If you are intrested to collaborate at translation you can follow this link http://www.getlocalization.com/OSB/-- Disclaimer --This app is not FAA approved and should not be used for navigation. All information is presented for reference only. You assume total responsibility and risk associated with this application.- Widget.- Wait at least 48 hours before blue bar graph is complete.- Click on "ALT" button for view relative and absolute altitude.- Blue bar graph show variation of atmospheric pressure in the time.- You can see the last 24/48 hours.- Refresh time is about 1 hour for prevent battery drain.- Refresh operation is very fast and optimized for minimal load - Moon/Sun phase set/rise and direction- Barometer needle is draggable (for initial forecast setup)- QNH/QFE function (mbar only)- LCD contrast/backlight- Language customization - Temperature & Humidity (live for some device, such as Galaxy S4)- Autosetup wizard- Translation for : German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Czech, Polish, Hungarien .If you want this apps on your native language, please send me email to [email protected] Feel free to send me feedback or request new features.Build & Tested on Samsung Galaxy S3More INFOhttps://sites.google.com/site/osbbarometer/-- MOTOROLA XOOM 2 ME USERS NOTE --Only Motorola Xoom 2 ME users report general failure. I don't have this device, so I can't understand and solve this issue. On emulator work fine like other tested device. If someone can send me brief description of issue or screenshot I can try to find solution. Thanks.


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Barometer & Altimeter Mod APK 19.0 - Baixar Barometer & Altimeter Mod para android com [Desbloqueada]

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