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Você está aqui:inícioJojosAventura → Survivor Unknow Battle Island Mod APK 20.0.1 - Baixar Survivor Unknow Battle Island Mod para android com unlimited money
Survivor Unknow Battle Island Mod APK 20.0.1 - Baixar Survivor Unknow Battle Island Mod para android com unlimited money

Survivor Unknow Battle Island Mod APK 20.0.1

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S.U.B.I is a battle royale game!

Survivor Unknow Battle Island is a battle royale game in which up to 16 players compete against each other in a last man standing deathmatch. Players can choose your character and the goal is to survive.

Players start each match in from a random location above the map. Once they land, you must search for a way to defend yourselves. This can take the form of anything from grabbing a weapon and actively hunting other players, to hiding while other players kill One another. Players can scavenge a variety of supplies from their surroundings, including weapons, equipment, and kits. The blue poisonous circle will keep you bleeding.So keep yourself within the safe white circle as much as possible.

Be the last standing man.


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