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Você está aqui:inícioJojosCasual → Gold Hunter Mod APK 1.0.9 - Baixar Gold Hunter Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]
Gold Hunter Mod APK 1.0.9 - Baixar Gold Hunter Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

Gold Hunter Mod APK 1.0.9

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■The game
Mysterious Dungeon Battle where you can get Bitcoins!
Guide the Gold Bullion Hunter and grab a victory!
Operation is easy! Just build a tower and watch!
The tower automatically attacks enemies! Let's support the hunter!
Clearing 1 stage takes less than 10 minutes.

■Bitcoins to get!
If you defeat an enemy, a Bitcoin drops!
Just battle! If you win, you can get all Bitcoins.
Collect a lot to get Bitcoins!
*You will need 2mBTC or more for withdrawal.

■Easy to control battle system
Just tap the screen a handful of times in the beginning, and then watch the action from there!
The game has few controls, and mostly plays out on its own once it begins.

■Designed to make advancing comfortable
Steadily build up your fortunes!
The number of coins and items that you see will increase

Snatch up the item illustrations!
You can sweep these item illustrations up even if you're struggling to make it through the main part of the game.
Try getting them all!

■A fun, easy to use system where characters automatically grow stronger
Your characters level up as you progress through the game, gradually growing more powerful

■Featuring additional characters! You can have fun without having to set your team every time you play!
Having to assemble your team each time can get old quick, and you don't have to worry about that here!
If you want, you can move through the game using your original team, helping them grow stronger as you go.

■Use "Level Up" and "Item Gather" to be efficient
Design with a large amount of rewarding feedback in mind
You can assemble your team to a certain standard.
You can use the double speed function and be ready to send your group out to battle even faster!
Fun, stress-free play

Free to download and play
※Offers in-app purchases.
Before playing, you must agree to the "Application End User License Agreement".
By downloading the Application, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the "Application End User License Agreement"..
Application End User License Agreement
Display based on Specified Commercial Transaction Laws


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Gold Hunter Mod APK 1.0.9 - Baixar Gold Hunter Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

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