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Você está aqui:inícioJojosQuebra-cabeça → RBKube Mod APK 2.9.1 - Baixar RBKube Mod para android com [Desbloqueada][Cheia]
RBKube Mod APK 2.9.1 - Baixar RBKube Mod para android com [Desbloqueada][Cheia]

RBKube Mod APK 2.9.1

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Solve the most challenging twisty puzzles.

With RBKube you can play the following puzzles:

* Pocket Cube (2x2x2)
* Pyraminx
* Classic Rubik's Cube (3x3x3)
* Square-1 / Super Cubix
* Square-2
* Rubik's Revenge / Master Cube (4x4x4)
* Professor's Cube (5x5x5)
* Megaminx (6 and 12 colors)
* Sudoku Cube
* Mirror Cubes 2x2x2 and 3x3x3
* Bandaged Cube
* Super square-1 (2 and 4 layers)
* Cubes 6x6x6, 7x7x7, 8x8x8 and 9x9x9
* Skewb Dodecahedron
* Pyraminx Crystal
* Dodecahedron 2x2x2 and 3x3x3
* Mixup Cubes 3x3x3 and 4x4x4
* Latch Cube
* Cuboids 3x3x1 (Floppy Cube), 1x2x3, 2x2x3, 2x2x4, 3x3x2 and 3x3x5
* Dino Cube
* Void Tuttminx
* Master Pyraminx
* Pyraminx Duo
* Pyramorphix
* Edge Cube
* Axis Cube
* Time Machine 2x2

Not enough?. Well, stay tuned then, more puzzles are coming soon!.

Some of the features in RBKube:

* You can choose between 'practice' mode, and 'competition' mode. In competition mode you have to solve scrambled puzzles beating the clock.
* Compare your times against other players world-wide and feel constantly challenged with the integrated Leaderboards and Achievements from Google Games Services.
* Choose the camera mode that best suits you for exploring the puzzles, and turn the pieces easily with an intuitive and user friendly touch screen interface.
* Change the colors and skins of the puzzles.


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