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Puzzle Capsule Mod APK 1.8 - Baixar Puzzle Capsule Mod para android com unlimited money

Puzzle Capsule Mod APK 1.8

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Puzzle Capsule is an addictive puzzle collecting game brought to you by KonaMobile. From simple puzzles which will take no longer than a few moments to solve, to complex ones which will make you wreck your brain cells, challenge yourself with brain twisting Puzzle Capsules. When you finally tackled each puzzle, it will become part of your puzzle collections. You can even combine your collections and turn them into much more complex puzzles. Solve, collect, combine, and most importantly, have fun!How many Puzzle Capsules can you collect?Features:Many challenging and interesting puzzlesPuzzle collecting and combining systemUnique point system which make the game much more challenging and funRobust ranking system enables you to compete with players from all over the worldShare your achievement with your friends and circlesWe would like to thank everyone for your support so far; we won’t be here without the support of our fans. We are committed to continue bringing the very best and enjoyable gaming experiences to our players. If you encounter any problem, have any suggestion, or simply just want to say hi, please feel free to drop us an email at [email protected].


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