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Ashi Mod APK 0.9.0 - Baixar Ashi Mod para android com [Compra grátis][Cheia]

Ashi Mod APK 0.9.0

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introdução do jogo
Ashi is a tranquil puzzle game about a firefly's meandering path through a candlelit world. Light and extinguish candles to guide the firefly's path, and while it may seem easy at first, a few simple rules entwine to create complex puzzles. Through patient observation and experimentation players can discover the true path.

* 70+ orbiting, revolving and round-about puzzles
* A variety of puzzle mechanics to decipher, understand & master
* Meditative & relaxing music tailored to draw out your puzzle solving abilities

As you solve puzzles, there will be forks in the road and you have have to find your own path forward. The path will join back up again, but you can't go any further until you experience all paths.

There are a number of levels off the beaten path that don't need to be solved to 'complete' the main game. Feel free to attempt them if you are up for a challenge! There will be more challenge levels in the final version of the game.

Lake Ashi, also referred to as Hakone Lake or Ashinoko Lake, is a scenic lake in the Hakone area of Kanagawa Prefecture in Honshū, Japan.


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