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Você está aqui:inícioJojosSimulação → Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod APK 1.0.5 - Baixar Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod para android co
Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod APK 1.0.5 - Baixar Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod para android co

Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod APK 1.0.5

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Farm and Click! Make hay and tap away!

Love farming simulators? New idle farming game is ready to blow your mind! Prepare for the farming revolution! Prepare to grow the most awesome farm of all time! You'll be breaking records for cultivating animals and plants in this clicker game! Pigs, cows, chickens, horses, corn and potatoes - grow all of them. Bring your friends into your game as hired farm hands and keep playing to discover more…will the future hold cats, dogs, horses, fish, dragons or even candy unicorns?

SIMPLE & EASY - Tap, click and swipe to grow plants and animals! That is so relaxing!
GROW ENDLESSLY! - Upgrade your farm and earn while you're away!
UNIQUE GAMEPLAY - Harvest all your crops for new bonuses and seeds.
SUPER HELP - Increase production by making it rain and ask Grand Pa to play his banjo!
FRIEND FARMERS - Hire friends to help you and customize your farm! Your Facebook friends are waiting for you!
INVEST WISELY - Develope your strategy on when harvest and to upgrade.
TENDER LOVE - We have put a lot of care into our game!
PLAY OFFLINE! - The world's best idle farming simulator is free to play online or offline!

Click and Farm is a great game for all the family. Your fam will love it!


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Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod APK 1.0.5 - Baixar Farm and Click: Simple Farming Clicker Mod para android co

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