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Megasonic Action Dash Mod APK 1.04 - Baixar Megasonic Action Dash Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

Megasonic Action Dash Mod APK 1.04

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The universe is under threat! The mysterious (but decidedly uncool) Danger Swarm has captured 19 of the remarkable heroes that make up Mega Team.

Only you, Captain Mega, can reunite the Mega Team and restore the balance of the universe!


Captain Mega is the cool-as-ice one-liner-spitting teenaged super-defender of Megalopolis, its surrounding boroughs and outlying farmlands, and basically the whole earth...and its surrounding satellites and outlying asteroids.

In this Mega Team adventure, you must hurl yourself forward as far as you possibly can, using your catlike reflexes to avoid items and weirdly aggressive Henchfry potato minions.

Rescue your Mega Team members from the Danger King, and use their sweet boosts to help you set the universal distance record!


Made with help from the Super Amazing Mega Team Titan Testers: Jake, Lillie, Bailea, Sloane, Kingsley, Paige, Ari, Leeba, Gabriella, Eli and Sam.


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Megasonic Action Dash Mod APK 1.04 - Baixar Megasonic Action Dash Mod para android com [Dinheiro Ilimitado]

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